Catalogo Target Point dream-collection

DREAM COLLECTION Sostieni la Fondazione Città della Speranza. Perché sia sempre possibile diventare grandi. Help us supporting Città della Speranza fundation. Because everyone shoud have the opportunity to grow up. art direction and styling ROSSI & CO. graphic design ROSSI & CO. photography STUDIO INDOOR colour separation Z13 printed by OGM printed in Italy - March 2019 Sostieni la Fondazione Città d lla Speranza. Perché sia sempre possibile diventare gra di. Help us sup orting Città della Speranza fundation. Because veryon shoud have the opportunity t grow up. art direction and styling ROSSI & C . graphic design ROSSI & C . photography STUDIO INDOOR colour separation Z13 printed by OGM printed in Italy - March 2019